the state of being completely forgotten or unknown

Friday, February 16, 2007

i love you much (most beautiful darling) by ee cummings

In the poem “i love you much (most beautiful darling)”by e.e. cummings, she writes in as a person in love with someone else. It’s hard to say whether the speaker of the poem is a man or women writing to their loved one. In any case the poem talks about how much the speaker loves someone. The speaker says how they them “more than anyone on earth” and like the person “better than everything in the sky.” This poem also has a lot of reference to different elements of nature. For example the speaker makes reference to the earth, sunlight, winter, sky.
While reading this poem, it reminded me of Romeo and Juliet and how they had this love that could never be but each one wanted to express their love in whatever way possible. But I also notice that this poem and I think it was the authors’ choice to have a lot of parenthesis to group certain words in the poem. For example cummings writes “noone can quite begin to guess (except my life) the true time of year -” Similarly, in another poem entitled “i carry your heart with me( I carry it in” also by e.e cummings, cummings uses the same time of style by putting parenthesis in the poem. She writes “i fear no fate (for you are my fate , my sweet)” also although the poems do not have a similar structure to them. The first line of each poem is the title of the poem as well as they both have parenthesis in them. Although it might seem odd to have parenthesis throughout the poem I think they add a personal touch to e.e cummings poems.

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